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  • Writer's pictureRemedy Williams

Don't get pet insurance, get CBD oil for optimal pet health

Updated: Nov 5, 2018

We love our pets and it's really sad to see them become sick. It seems that when a dog or cat gets past 5 years old they begin to deteriorate. It's because of the food. Our animals are not on a proper diet. Even the expensive products are just glorified junk. Still filled with the same unnatural substances not meant for animals.

This is where free radicals come into play, and this is how cancer happens. Different species have different risks, but ultimately, a lifetime of improper diet will result in a difficult aging process. This sound terrible, but there is something that can change the outcome. CTFO - Changing The Future Outcome, produces High grade CBD hemp oil using a patented Co2 extraction process. Just like humans, dogs and cats also have canabanoid receptors all over their bodies. CTFO offers 2 products specially formulated for dogs and cats that can help heal them from disease as well as maintain optimal health.

CBD animal products can help correct:

Lumps or bumps - kills cancerous cells and restores proper cell function

Vomiting and diarrhea - aids in digestion, kills bacteria

Arthritis - Reduces inflammation that causes pain in the joints

Muscle soreness - generally reduces pain

coughing - anti inflammatory, will reduce mucus build up

Eye or ear problems - again this is usually do to a build up of mucus and inflammation

Itching or skin irritation - Excellent for the skin. Makes coat soft and shiny

Anxiety - induces calm

Our pets depend on us to make the best decisions for them. Whether they are young or old, every pet deserves to receive the healing benefits found in CBD oil.

Do right by your pets, Give them the best!

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